Sexual Empowerment for Women

Don't want sex anymore? Learn about 3 desire killers and how to overcome them

May 20, 2024 Tarisha Tourok Season 1 Episode 37
Don't want sex anymore? Learn about 3 desire killers and how to overcome them
Sexual Empowerment for Women
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Sexual Empowerment for Women
Don't want sex anymore? Learn about 3 desire killers and how to overcome them
May 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 37
Tarisha Tourok

Do you feel like sex is a chore? Maybe you're having sex to keep peace in the family and avoid your partner sulking. Maybe you don't feel attracted to your partner anymore...

The thing is, once you overcome 3 desire killers you'll start looking forward to physical intimacy because it melts your heart and deeply nourishes you. 

I know it's possible!

Your host:

Tarisha Tourok is the founder of the Sexually Empowered Radiant Woman movement where women learn how to become radiant, confident and own the power and beauty of their sexuality no matter their size, shape, age or race.

FREE WEBINAR: Women Over 40: Discover 5 Keys to Unlock Your Desire So You Enjoy Heart-Melting Intimacy

This is perfect for women who are in a relationship and feel frustrated with their love life, are single and don't want to repeat past hurtful patterns where they lose themselves and their voice, and women who want to feel confident expressing their longings and desires

Join Free Online where you'll learn 5 obstacles to your desire and 5 actionable strategies to activate your desire so you stop feeling frustrated with your love life

Visit our website at to join the Radiant Woman movement.

Show Notes Transcript

Do you feel like sex is a chore? Maybe you're having sex to keep peace in the family and avoid your partner sulking. Maybe you don't feel attracted to your partner anymore...

The thing is, once you overcome 3 desire killers you'll start looking forward to physical intimacy because it melts your heart and deeply nourishes you. 

I know it's possible!

Your host:

Tarisha Tourok is the founder of the Sexually Empowered Radiant Woman movement where women learn how to become radiant, confident and own the power and beauty of their sexuality no matter their size, shape, age or race.

FREE WEBINAR: Women Over 40: Discover 5 Keys to Unlock Your Desire So You Enjoy Heart-Melting Intimacy

This is perfect for women who are in a relationship and feel frustrated with their love life, are single and don't want to repeat past hurtful patterns where they lose themselves and their voice, and women who want to feel confident expressing their longings and desires

Join Free Online where you'll learn 5 obstacles to your desire and 5 actionable strategies to activate your desire so you stop feeling frustrated with your love life

Visit our website at to join the Radiant Woman movement.

Speaker 0:

why women lose sexual desire and how to avoid it. The three keys. Our desire is not just about sex. It's about living the life to the fullest feeling and being confident, free and desirable, and also enjoying emotionally connected sexual intimacy. We start with skill number three, and it's that making inner critic. You know how sometimes you can't enjoy the moment because a little voice right inside your head keeps on telling you you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're not slim enough or you're not doing something right. That's your inner critic. It's exhausting. It can make you feel like you're never going to measure up to this mythical, perfect woman that society just made up. When it comes to the bedroom, this critic can really make you feel so self-conscious that your desire just evaporates. The key here is working on becoming friends with that inner critic and teaching it to encourage you to support you rather than judge.

Speaker 0:

Now killer number two is having sex when you don't want to. Nothing kills your sexual desire faster than feeling like you have to have sex out of obligation. It's like when you are really not in the mood, but you go through the motions, you push yourself to make your partner feel happy because you feel like it's what's expected. This can lead to resentment, and resentment is the biggest desire killer. Being honest with yourself and your partner about when you want to be intimate and what do you need right, what do you need to awaken your desire, and so it's all about respecting your own boundaries and feelings. Also, it's about finding your desire switch and knowing it's all about respecting your own boundaries and feelings. Also, it's about finding your desire switch and knowing how to turn yourself on, because then you can do it at any time.

Speaker 0:

Then killer number one is that missing emotional connection. This one is huge, because imagine trying to get physically intimate without feeling that emotional connection. It feels pretty empty. Right when sex becomes a routine without an emotional bond, it just isn't fulfilling. It might not even feel worth the effort. Naturally your desire starts to wane. So building that emotional connection with your partner isn't just about the time spent in the bedroom. It's about connecting on the deeper levels, isn't just about the time spent in the bedroom. It's about connecting on the deeper levels, communicating openly and really being present with each other. So addressing these desire killers isn't just about improving your sex life. It's about deepening your relationship and reconnecting with yourself, with your own desires. It can feel like a breath of fresh air, bringing you joy, bringing you playfulness, bringing you fulfillment. It's so important. It's not just about sex. If you want to reclaim your desire, join. She Desires Masterclass and link is in the comments.