Sexual Empowerment for Women

The Truth About Menopause: Reclaim Your Power

May 25, 2024 Tarisha Tourok Season 1 Episode 39

What frustrates you most about how society treats menopause?

For me, it's the generalisations. Society tends to think everyone experiences the same symptoms like hot flushes and moodiness, making menopause seem like a universal hard time. 

But that’s not always the case. 

We each have unique expressions of menopause.

 "Talking with women, I often hear that they believe their sexuality and desire die with menopause. It’s almost accepted that if you're going through menopause, you won’t want intimacy anymore. 

But I believe it’s a time to rediscover what we truly desire.

 Menopause isn't the end of our sexual life—it’s a new chapter."

What's really important is finding what truly fulfills us now. 

This isn’t about giving up on intimacy; it’s about redefining it in a way that honours our inner wisdom and power. Let's create a better story.

Key Points:

Many women buy into the narrative that hormone replacement therapy is the only way to cope with menopause. But there’s so much more.

I love introducing the concept of archetypes, helping women realise who they’ve been and envisioning who they want to become.

If you’ve been the nurturer and motivator, imagine calling upon your inner visionary or truth-teller.

"Menopause can be an empowering time if we allow ourselves to step into it. It's about asking... 

'What do I want now?' How do you envision your life and sexual intimacy?"

Knowing yourself deeply, nurturing your well-being, and understanding your body's messages can help you reclaim your power and flow through this transition.

Your host:

Tarisha Tourok is the founder of the Sexually Empowered Radiant Woman movement where women learn how to become radiant, confident and own the power and beauty of their sexuality no matter their size, shape, age or race.

FREE WEBINAR: Women Over 40: Discover 5 Keys to Unlock Your Desire So You Enjoy Heart-Melting Intimacy

This is perfect for women who are in a relationship and feel frustrated with their love life, are single and don't want to repeat past hurtful patterns where they lose themselves and their voice, and women who want to feel confident expressing their longings and desires

Join Free Online where you'll learn 5 obstacles to your desire and 5 actionable strategies to activate your desire so you stop feeling frustrated with your love life

Visit our website at to join the Radiant Woman movement.

Speaker 1:

What frustrates you most about how the society treats menopause?

Speaker 2:

I guess generalizations that everyone has the same things. We know about hot flushes and moodiness, and so I think people then come to expect that they're going to get this menu of symptoms and it's such a hard time, and I don't think that's always the case. I think people have a different as Jackie talks about different expressions of menopause, and it's important to see the other side of it as well.

Speaker 1:

For me, talking to my women, they say that their sexuality and sexual desire dies. It's almost like that's given If I'm going through menopause. That's why I don't want it anymore. I feel like what's really important that women start to desire different things, but it's not that it's time for us to give up on a deep intimacy and sexual life. Actually, we need to find what we truly desire now. Menopause desire dies and that's how it is and we can't do anything about it. I think that's a piece of feeling disempowered through the process that really frustrates me it is actually losing that power and I talk about this through every hormonal transition.

Speaker 3:

It should be a time that we're celebrating and honoring our inner wisdom and our power as we transition through the beautiful phases, that we go through the cycles of life with the rhythms of nature. Let's create a better story than that but women so buying into the.

Speaker 1:

That's the piece where it's like this is how it is. That's why women go into the hormone replacement therapy. Right, because it's not. This is how it is and we, this is the only way, and we accept it and we just buy into it somehow.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 2:

That's why I feel like they laser focus on symptoms and I love to introduce the concept of archetypes, which many people, all of us have heard about but a lot of people haven't, because it's not something that gets really talked about.

Speaker 2:

And really for women at this stage to realize who they've been being, who they've been busy being, for most of their life, or maybe the years leading up to the menopausal time, and then for them to think, well, who would I become if I called upon these other aspects of myself, so if they've been busy being the nurturer and the motivator primarily, and I would say so, how would life look to you if you called on? Because you've got it already within you, your inner visionary right and your inner truth teller, Because a lot of women in their older years you know what I'm done with putting everyone else first. I'm ready to actually stand up and be seen, or I'm ready to speak more of my truth around how I deserve to be treated or how, or boundaries that I want to live by, and I think it's such a time of empowerment for women if they allow themselves to step into that.

Speaker 1:

That's so beautiful. I love it because, like it's in my field, right with sexuality, it's almost like women used to give sex as a. That's what I have to do for my partner to keep the family together and was menopause. What do I want from it now? How do I vision my life and what do I want out of this? How do I see the sexual intimacy that's going to fulfill me rather than doing it for my partner?

Speaker 3:

and knowing yourself. This is this intrinsic, awakening this intrinsic, knowing that we all have deep within ourselves and really coming back to that power, our core power and who we are, and having tools to actually feed ourselves well, nurture ourselves well, so that we don't experience these symptoms, because these symptoms right, they're just our body's way of talking to us. So our body's talking to us through these symptoms and when we know what the symptom is and intrinsically know our own power, to come back to our peace with that, because it's often that we're blocking and we haven't got that flow. So, coming back to really own that power and flow through it, we invite people to join our medical menopause Challenge.

Speaker 1:

It's a five-day challenge and it starts on 20th May 12pm New Zealand time. We'll see you there.