Sexual Empowerment for Women

Unlock Your Sexual Desire Training 5: 5 Steps to Become Sexually Empowered Radiant Woman

Tarisha Tourok Season 1 Episode 44

In this transformative episode, we conclude the "Unlock Your Sexual Desire Challenge" by revealing how to tap into your inner radiance and sustain desire, regardless of age or external factors like beauty or weight.

✨ Reflecting on previous sessions:

  • Sexual desire matrix
  • Awakening your inner passions
  • Dismantling barriers to soulful intimacy

✨ Practical steps shared:

  • Integrating psychotherapy, sacred sexuality, and couple therapy
  • Becoming a sexually empowered, radiant woman

✨ Personal empowerment:

  • Heartfelt testimonials, like Lenny's journey from hesitation to radiant freedom
  • Recognizing the power within oneself
  • Stop expecting fulfillment solely from a partner
  • Investing in your internal work

✨ Key themes:

  • Openness, trust, and emotional connection
  • Reclaiming sexual energy
  • Embracing self-discovery
  • Feeling at peace with your body
  • Owning your pleasure
  • Expressing a full range of emotions
  • Establishing flexible but firm boundaries

✨ Transformative daily practices:

  • Ho'oponopono prayer
  • Reconnecting with your body's wisdom
  • Using your inner GPS for better relational choices

This is more than just a guide; it's an invitation to align your heart with your sexuality and live a more radiant, empowered life. Join us and take the first step towards your ideal relationship and personal fulfillment.

Your host:

Tarisha Tourok is the founder of the Sexually Empowered Radiant Woman movement where women learn how to become radiant, confident and own the power and beauty of their sexuality no matter their size, shape, age or race.

FREE WEBINAR: Women Over 40: Discover 5 Keys to Unlock Your Desire So You Enjoy Heart-Melting Intimacy

This is perfect for women who are in a relationship and feel frustrated with their love life, are single and don't want to repeat past hurtful patterns where they lose themselves and their voice, and women who want to feel confident expressing their longings and desires

Join Free Online where you'll learn 5 obstacles to your desire and 5 actionable strategies to activate your desire so you stop feeling frustrated with your love life

Visit our website at to join the Radiant Woman movement.

Speaker 1:

Welcome, welcome to our training how to sustain desire and intimacy. Day five of Unlock your Sexual Desire Challenge. Today we're going to talk about what are the steps that you need to take. Connect to your radiance so you shine brightly, so you become the lighthouse of radiance and people just sail towards you from everywhere Tauranga, leanne, from Tauranga Stacey, from Idaho, ontario, canada, nice, we're really international here. It's so beautiful to see you. Maybe if you can just reflect before we go into this session, what was useful for you, what are your takeaways? Maybe if you post in the comments what are your takeaways from these four days as we come into our last day today, where we're going to tie it up all together. That's where we've been. Day one unlock the power of the sexual desire matrix. It's the system that I've developed and I find it's really helpful and I hope you took a lot out of that. Then, on day two, we went into awakening your desire, creating a vision of what's possible for you. Those comments and I hear time and time again with women when we go I'm 40, 50, 60, it's not possible for me anymore, it's too late for me and it's not true. I know there are so many beautiful men around who are wanting that soulful intimacy. It's not just women who are looking for that. If you're attracted to women, there are other women who want the same. So don't think it's not possible for you. Don't think you're too old. It's actually perfect time, because the older we become, the more we're connected to the essence of who we are. The more attractive we become, the more radiant we become. It's more about shining brighter. It's more about who are we attracted to again, rather than who's attracted to us. Sometimes we're attracted to people who are not safe for us, who are not good for us, where we can't create a sustainable relationship. And what's important is, once you start to feel safe inside yourself, the people you're attracted to are quite different. When you become radiant, there are plenty of people around who will be attracted to you. It's not about beauty, it's not about age, it's not about shape or weight. It's about connecting to the source of your radiance from inside. That's what I love teaching very patient about teaching women how to connect to the inner radiance. Then people start to be attracted to them. Today we're going to talk about what are the steps that you need to take to connect to your radiance so you shine brightly, so you become the lighthouse of radiance and people, just they sail towards you from everywhere. That was our day three overcome the barriers to your desire. I highly recommend you watch the training as well. If you haven't done so yet, the trainings will be up till next week, so please do catch up with the trainings.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday we talked about creating heart melting and spirit infused intimacy, and I'll talk a little bit about that. To remind us where we've been yesterday, it's nice, if you take your journal, take the notes from what you hear, what resonates with you, and do comment as well Today. How do we sustain desire and fulfilling intimacy? So what we're going to cover today is who is a sexually empowered radiant woman? What does it actually mean? What are the steps practical steps that you can take to become a sexually empowered radiant woman? I'll talk about five steps, and it's my sexually empowered radiant woman method that I've developed, combining psychotherapy, sacred sexuality and couple therapy. How do we combine that together and create something sustainable? Also, we're going to be talking about how we go from comfort to deep meaning, to deep intimacy, how we stop choosing safety, even though it feels uncomfortable, and start preferring more aliveness when we're connected to deep meaning in our life, when life feels fulfilling rather than safe, comfortable, but not so fulfilling. We're also going to do design your desire map. So what are the steps that you need to take? And I know all of you are unique, all of you bring a lot of gifts, and your past is there as well. Right, so it's different for every woman. Okay, jasmine, thank you. Yes, and that's why I love to work with a group of women and I do my course, 10-week course, in a group of women, because we really start to see how I'm not alone and that it's doable, that I can have a different experience of life, and also that how society normalizes our struggles, how we normalize it and say, oh, this is how it is and I can't do anything about it. Actually, taking responsibility and I can do a lot about it, especially when we have enough support, we can change our life experience completely. Yeah, nice that you feel less alone, huh, jasmine, monica, yeah, monica, exactly that.

Speaker 1:

Once you connect to your inner radiance, men are going to appear everywhere and it's going to be more about who do I choose, who am I attracted to? That's where the trick is right, because sometimes, when we bring the past and we feel shaky in our body. We're attracted to people who are risky. When there's more excitement, it seems like there's more passion, but actually it's not sustainable. It doesn't nourish us, it doesn't feed us. I wonder if you relate to that. Once we start shining, beautiful men are everywhere, like I can assure you. A gift of golden glitter is a love of Jess, yes, beautiful. And then when I, my journey is precious, my journey is sacred. I'm only going to share my sexuality with someone who honors me. Now I'm going to treat myself with that honor Because we train people in how they relate to us, and if I honor myself, then I train other people to honor myself as well. That's what we're working with.

Speaker 1:

Understand the powerful desire matrix, get deep insights into your sexual desire, how to enhance it, learn the strategies to overcome the barriers to your desire and discover how to start creating heart-melting intimacy. That's our mission. I wonder how we're doing with the mission. Yeah, if you reflect, what kind of this is our last day? If you reflect, what have you learned? Do you understand the sexual desire matrix? Do you see how to apply it in your life? Do you see the possibility for you to enjoy heart-melting intimacy?

Speaker 1:

My aim was really to live on that mission. I know I'm giving you a lot of information and I know that to take it further, to really have transformation, we really need to work together. I'm giving information, but to receive transformation I really need to know where you're at, what's happening for you, and because we don't see we have blind corners, we don't see that we need someone else to really help us to move forward. So if you feel like this is what I'm sharing resonates with you, I invite you to book a session with me and, as I said, it's a free session during the challenge, so you can book a session. I still have time for next week, the challenge, so you can book a session. I still have time for next week and then we can talk and really create a plan and see your unique experience, your unique vision and how can you get there.

Speaker 1:

You know that, as I said, when trauma or disconnect happens in the relationship, it needs to heal relationally. That's why I still have my therapist. Therapist, I still have support of a group of women that I work with from a feminine power that are really supporting me, because I know that only in a relationship I can create different experience of life for myself. So please do book a session. I'd be very happy to talk to you, especially that I'm seeing your comments and I'd love to connect one-on-one with you. It'll be beautiful. You can really have a plan of where to go from here.

Speaker 1:

So what we really looked at is that two keys to creating deeply fulfilling intimacy. Key one is that we need to accept the reality that probably your partner is not going to give you a deep experience of sex, of intimacy, on their own accord. If you have a partner now or with a future partner, it's not about finding someone who can really give that to you, but it's about experiencing that incredible power within yourself and connecting to your ecstatic sexual energy and then inviting your partner current one or future one into that experience with you. It's all in your power, it's all in your hands. I invite you, if you can, look at your hands, put your hands in front of you. Look at your hands and say the power is in my hands. I can do it for myself. No one else is going to do it for me. The power is in my hands, yeah, and really feel it. I claim my power to create the love life that I dream about, that I so deeply desire. I am claiming that the power is in my hands.

Speaker 1:

Being in stressful relationships causes declining health and overall happiness. I want to share this story from Lenny, and she's done the course I think last year she's done it and she talks about it that the power is in our hands. Just listen to that. I really love what she shares. And also if, when you watch the women sharing, if we can really bring a sense of gentleness and honor, because in this work you can imagine how it's not easy for me to get video testimonials from women because it's such a sensitive area and still women are willing because they got so much out of the work that from that they want to give it back to you. So if you can really take it with that honoring attitude that these women are sharing something so precious because they know how much it changed for them and they want to do it for you as well. So if we listen to, Lenny.

Speaker 3:

There's a sense of security that I've acquired deep within myself. I've empowered myself even more now than what I have ever known I could do with the help of you and the other ladies that were in the course. I don't have butterflies in my stomach talking about different things with my partner anymore. I open up way more readily and we just enjoy being in that space. I've become softer inside towards my partner. I think it's helped us immensely. It has definitely helped us to form a bond that we didn't have before.

Speaker 3:

We talk about things that never entered our minds prior to doing your course. We've both had a couple of sessions with you together, which also has been amazingly helpful Definitely more open, more trusting each other, more to share what we've wanted to say for the past three or four years since knowing each other. Now we know we're in a safe haven to be able to do that without any judgment or whatever there was before I joined your course. So jointly, it's been brilliant. We've really enjoyed it. I think that the investment was so worthwhile. I'm thinking about that little prison cell in my heart that I was opening up quite often through the call it's wow, I can do this now. I don't have to hide in that prison cell anymore.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a fantastic feeling, to be honest, my heart's just a lot softer and freer and more willing to open up to things. After doing the course, I felt radiant inside. I felt as though I had blossomed into a new flower.

Speaker 3:

I'm just more accepting of myself and of others. Before I joined your course, I was putting a lot of my qualms down to menopause, which in reality, is an excuse, because we can all get ourselves out of situations that we think we're in if we put our minds to it and our hearts as well. I grew to realise that the menopause wasn't a factor. It was more about me and how I was dealing with things internally. I've gone on HRT. That's helped, but it's not helped immensely. I don't have time, is not really relevant nowadays. I know that I can put 10 minutes aside for myself if I really wanted to. Wow. Yeah, thank you. Nobody else can do that for me. You cannot do it, my partner cannot do it. I have to do that, yeah, and I love this.

Speaker 1:

And if we can all remember that and I love that what Lenny is sharing that it's up to us and how we can find a lot of excuses of why things are not working the way we want to. But it's up to us and how we can find a lot of excuses of why things are not working the way we want to. But it's actually in our hands and our power. The journey is not easy. That's the thing that I think stops women. They feel like it should be easy or I don't have the energy. But once we put our attention as Lenny says beautifully our mind and our heart to it, we can change our whole life experience. We can create beautiful relationships for ourselves. Thank you, Lenny so much and I hope you appreciate how deeply she shared and it's just so beautiful for me to see. Yeah, I feel like a proud mama, sometimes sharing, guiding women and then seeing how they take it. I know that it all depends on how much their heart, their soul they put into the work and that's what they get out of it. I see your comment, Jasmine. It puts tears on my eyes as well when I get these testimonials, because it's just so beautiful and it's to encourage you, so you have the power to change your sexual experience. You can stop waiting. You can connect to the ecstatic sexual energy in your body and then you can invite your partner current one, future one into the delicious lovemaking with you. It's all possible for you. It's not just because I've experienced it, but because women I work with experience it as well. I find when we work in a group it's so much easier. So that day one we worked it. The importance of our sexual desire, how it's not just about sex, how it's about our desire, our zest for life. Yeah, and that's the desire matrix. If you remember this, and every time you feel like there's a sense of unease or you're missing something, something's not working out, I'd invite you to look back at the desire matrix and see which pillar I need to focus on right now. It's such a clear, easy map. So when things are not working the way you want them to, when you feel upset or there's anger or sadness or there's a sense of stuckness, look at the desire matrix and see okay, which one do I need to focus on? Which one am I missing here? What do I need to do? Is it self-intimacy? Is it that I need to express myself. Is it that I need to find resonance with someone that I need to express myself? Is it that I need to find resonance with someone that I'm actually feeling lonely? I'm trying to do it all by myself? I really need that human connection. Is it that I'm criticizing myself a lot and I need to start to appreciate my body? Or is it that I need to go out and play, go on adventures and go into that creative exploration? Yes, Kelly, and yeah, and that's what?

Speaker 1:

At the end of the course, we have this beautiful ritual at the end, and it was amazing to see Lenny and how she started to shine and lots of women were reflecting. We've just done a course we finished in April. It was so amazing and everyone was like, wow, we can see the radiance inside of you and it was just so beautiful, Beautiful, and I know it's possible for you because one woman even suggested I should do photos of women before the course and after the course and just in 10 weeks. It's amazing what starts to awaken, how that radiance just shines through us and women notice it. That's the design matrix. Take it with you.

Speaker 1:

That was our day two, creating a new story, and I hope you can and I'll put more. You'll listen to more women talking about their experience. It's all in service of you, seeing what's possible, creating that new story for you. Don't settle for less than deeply fulfilling intimacy. Don't settle for less than feeling beautiful, feeling radiant in your own skin, no matter your age, shape, size, it doesn't matter. The radiance is not a physical thing. I know that women who were more beautiful when they're younger, they really struggle when they start to age because they lose that physical beauty and they haven't connected to their radiance. That's what we've done in day two. In day three we looked at our barriers, understood why we lose sexual desire, identified internal barriers. Now I'll just remind what we did yesterday. So we'll talk a bit more about that.

Speaker 1:

We audited your relationship and if you could, please send me, email me, just the number. What is the final number? I'm not going to calculate the numbers for everyone. I've seen some of you sent me a number for each question. If you can add them and email me at tarisha, at radiantwomancoronavent, or you can even post. Actually it'll be nice if you post on the group.

Speaker 1:

We talked about the old paradigm, the new paradigm and creating a couple bubble. If you haven't seen the training. Please go and watch it because it's quite different from all other days. We've done it and that was the old paradigm, where we get married, we stay together, we die together, together. We stay together because security is so important and we don't have to do much work on the relationship. The new paradigm is creating deeply fulfilling intimacy. Yeah, it's intimate relating, rather than an object, like a thing, a relationship. It's intimate relating, it's a process of relating with each other. I wonder what resonates. Be nice to see more comments.

Speaker 1:

These are our two choices huh, yeah, waiting or actually doing it for ourselves. Watch it yesterday, recording if you want to do the audit, and then I'm going to send you where you're at in your relationship to yourself and to others In the relationship. Again, how to apply the desire matrix to the relationship I'm currently in or maybe to your last relationship if you're single right now. It's really good to see which part is missing in my relationship. If you look at your relationships through your life, you see which pillar was missing. Which pillar have I struggled with? So you can start seeing the pattern. That's gonna give you a signal.

Speaker 1:

This is what I really need to work on, but it's really eye-opening to look at your relationships and see what have I missed, what hasn't worked. For me, when I work with couples, it's all about seeing the pattern of how they do things and it doesn't work. And then what can we do differently and create a different pattern that actually does work? I talk about it like when we dance and we just step on each other's feet and it's really painful. Then, if we see our steps, then we can change them so we can create more harmony and beauty in our dance. Nikki, we did watch it yesterday and I just want to share it again so you see what's possible.

Speaker 2:

I'm really happy that we've been having intimacy again, because we were pretty much lacking for the beginning of the course. We didn't have intimacy for many months. I felt maybe my heart soften a little bit, also wanting to practice being in my body, intimacy as well, feel that desire coming back. There's more connection than was there before. It is really big. I'm awakened more, more seeds have been planted for me. I understand now my own responsibility, and it more clearly, as well as the way I've been asking for things from a very emotional place in a lot of my relationship, which I feel has caused a lot of disconnect. I feel it's a gift to understand that more clearly. Now I do feel my heart open more. I feel my body open more I feel my yoga open, more I feel my yoga practice change. I feel the way I navigate my communication change. So it's satisfying to do this work.

Speaker 2:

It's not easy, though. It's also honestly helped me process my sexual rape and my trauma. I could see any woman benefiting any stage of navigation of their relationships or with themselves. I feel this is the part of our world that we're missing to be taught these things. Everything outside of our life is stemming from here. Speaking more from my own experience of my trauma. I really don't think there are many places I ever felt in my life that I could come into, be safe in this way. And I would just say to another woman it is a safe space and it is expansive and it is difficult, but they're worthy of that. I wouldn't say that it took away from the experience at all. I think it was just as powerful, even in the same sense.

Speaker 1:

That's another experience for actually what's possible for me Now we're going to look at the sexually empowered radiant woman five-step method. And for me Now we're going to look at the sexually empowered radiant woman five-step method. And my invitation for you take your journal and see which step. What do I need to do? What is my next step? I know it can be overwhelming when we look at the whole picture, and I'm going to give you a bird's eye view, which is really important to see. But what is my next step?

Speaker 1:

First of all, if we look at what does it mean to be a sexually empowered radiant woman? And now, take note, which aspect is important for you? I talk about it in five aspects, right, in terms of five aspects, and it's all relational. So aspect number one of being a sexually empowered radiant woman is your relationship to yourself and your value. Yeah, and that goes to self-intimacy.

Speaker 1:

How does she relate? She values herself, she feels like my value is never in question. She's confident, she's solid in who she is. I feel deeply connected to myself and she feels herself with life, with joy, with pleasure. She feels like I'm responsible right for myself and I give myself what I need. Also, she's at peace with her choices and for me that was a big journey to actually choose myself, choose my life and choose all my choices. I choose myself. I know I've made some mistakes, I know I could have done something different, but I choose all of that. It happened and I'm okay. I'm at peace with my choices. So I wonder if that makes sense, but actually choosing whatever we've done this is my past, this is what I'm at right now and I'm choosing all of me. I'm not trying to push any part of me aside.

Speaker 3:

So that's the first aspect.

Speaker 1:

Then the next aspect is the relationship to her body. It relates to the desire, matrix, appreciation of the body and how she feels she's at peace with her body. Yeah, she feels at home in her body. My body is my temple. She's comfortable in her own skin, doesn't matter even if she's not the side that she wants to be right shape, she doesn't. She's not, she doesn't want to be. She's still comfortable and she's taking care of her body and she doesn't punish herself. She does it because she wants to take care of her body rather than I need to lose weight because then I'll be more lovable. Actually, I want to take care of myself. I want to feel healthier and I know that's what's going to be good for me. Notice how it's quite different. Instead of punishing, I'm taking care of myself. That's what it means to be a sexually impoverished woman. It doesn't mean that we have to be looking perfect. That's not what it is. It's how do I relate to my body? Am I taking care of myself or am I trying to punish and get attention, get love, through punishing my body? Does it make sense? I'd love to see your comments there.

Speaker 1:

Next one next aspect is relationship to her pleasure and her sexuality. Sexually empowered radiant woman owns her pleasure. She owns her sexuality. She knows it's up to me to find what turns me on, what turns me off. She asks for what she wants and that's where the erotic voice comes in, and she enjoys emotionally connected sexuality. She really feels empowered in her choices. I know what I need, I can speak it, I can ask for it and I can choose people who are good for me. So that's aspect number three. Aspect number four is relationship to her emotions and self-expression.

Speaker 1:

A sexually empowered, radiant woman allows all of her emotions to be there. She doesn't say I can feel that, but not that. Because if we don't feel one part of our like, sometimes like anger right, we don't want to feel anger, we're pushed away, but then we really reduce our emotional expression and then we can't feel as much joy, we can't feel as much happiness. We have to develop and expand our emotional range. She's okay with all of her emotions and she sees her emotions as messengers. Emotions tell me. What's of balance? Where do I need to focus, rather than oh, I'm so emotional, it feels so bad. Actually, oh, I'm curious about my emotions. Where is this coming from? What's happening? What do I need to do? What do I need to change? She's fully embracing all of her emotions and especially her sexuality as well.

Speaker 1:

When making love, I don't have to just be happy and joyful. I can bring my sadness, my anger, my frustration to lovemaking in a consensual way with my partner and then self-expression, what she expresses, but she attuned to others and that's where we come to the resonance place. It's not that I'm just going to express whatever I want to express, because this is who I am, but actually I see the effect I'm having on other people and I'm going to be attuned. It's not just I have to just let go of everything. I'm expressing my emotions with the intention of creating more love and more connection. That's very important. What is my intention behind expressing myself? Because I want to create more love and more connection, more authenticity. That's very important aspect that I see. Sometimes we lose when we're going to really starting to express ourselves and then we might hurt other people. It happens we're going to hurt other people, but actually, okay, I'm here to attune and express with the intention of creating more connection. I wonder if that makes sense. So the last one relationship to others. That's the last aspect. How does she relate right.

Speaker 1:

A sexually empowered woman creates safe and consensual relationships. She's really clear with her boundaries. She knows what works for her, what doesn't work, but they're not brick wall boundaries. I'm talking about brick wall boundaries or chaotic boundaries. Chaotic is like when we're like we just we can let people push into us and then we push back. We let people come too close or just step on us and then we push back, and that's chaotic boundary, break wall boundaries. Nah, you're just right there and don't come near me.

Speaker 1:

Flexible boundaries is where I see where I'm at, I feel safe in myself, I express myself and then I see how other person responds. I check it out and if they respond in a way that feels good for me, then I can come closer to them. I can open up a bit more. If it doesn't feel right, then I can close and say no, that's not my person. But it's really that finding that resonance, the flexible boundaries how do you find the resonance?

Speaker 1:

And then the other piece with sexually impoverished women is that she's able to surrender to love Because she feels deeply safe inside herself. She's willing to open up and take that risk and surrender. She doesn't bring her past with her and all the hurts that close her heart she's actually. I know things might have happened in the past, but right now I feel safe in myself. I've checked out this person, this resonance here, and I can open and surrender to love. I wonder, like what resonates with you, what makes sense? Yeah, thank you Jasmine.

Speaker 1:

But right, when we let people cross our boundaries, yeah, then we might go back and push them back further, and I really would love to invite you to change your language around it. It's not that people are crossing my boundaries, it's that I'm letting other people cross my boundaries. Notice how that's different, because if it's like they're just crossing and I can't do anything about it, we feel victimized, we feel powerless and out of control. But actually, oh, I'm letting people, I'm being with people that are not maybe good for me. I'm letting people cross my boundaries. Maybe I'm not saying clearly what I need from them. Then I can do something about it. Okay, so for now, I'd love you if you can journal which aspect you feel is important for you.

Speaker 1:

What is your next step? Is it the relationship to yourself and your value? That my value is never in question? Is it your relationship to your body? That I'm taking care of my body, appreciate my body? Is it the relationship to your pleasure and your sexuality? Is it the relationship to your pleasure and your sexuality? Is it the relationship to your emotions and self-expression, or is it your relationship to others? What is the one like important bit, which one do you feel like? That's where I need to focus on maybe you can just write it down which is the important aspect a relationship to yourself and her value, a relationship to her body, to her emotions and self-expression, to sexuality and others.

Speaker 1:

If I just check in with myself, what feels good, what doesn't, and it's flexible that's why I call them flexible boundaries I check in, does it feel good or not? I totally trust myself, I'm in my body. Does it feel good or not? And then I can let people in or maybe not. I keep on checking in rather than testing. Checking in, right, I tune into myself, checking in and having flexible boundaries.

Speaker 1:

Monica, I understand that all of them are important, but if you can choose one, because when it's all, it's difficult, it's overwhelming. But what is the one piece that feels like yeah, and so I'll just put them again, right? What is the one piece that you feel like? That'll be, that's what's important for me right now. That's what really jumps at me. Which one is it? Yeah, we cover all of them in the 10-week course. We really look at all of them. If you want help again with that, please do book a call with me. I think the link is right there in the comments. We can have a chat and it's free of charge. There are no strings attached. If you want to work with me further, I'd be very happy. If you don't, that's okay as well, and we're going to look at actually what are your next steps. Yeah, monica, value yourself. Yes, how would your life be if my value is never in question? So it's nice to find what is my linchpin. What is the one?

Speaker 1:

next step, so I'm not getting overwhelmed. What's important to know is that it's not a problem that resolves itself. If we have past hurts, if we have inner critical voice, it's not going to heal by itself. We actually need to focus. If we have relational patterns that are not working for us, it's not going to change by itself. It's up to you to change it. Quite often, you do need new perspectives, you do need new insights. That's why I see, when we work with a group of women, you get perspective and insights from other women it's not just from me and it's become such a powerful container. Then you can start enjoying emotionally connected sexuality. Then you can attract the person that's right for you. I'll just have a sip of water and we'll watch this last video and then we're going to go into the five steps.

Speaker 4:

It's bringing more of myself to everything. It's that bigness again bringing more total version of me to both myself and others.

Speaker 1:

Quite a different experience of life, huh, when you bring more of you.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, A real sense of reconnecting with the body itself, coming alive into it, having that aliveness come up and affect everything More, that sense of wholeness which I didn't have before. Doing this work From the feet up, from the ground up, having a feeling of my whole being as a sexual being, a totality, rather than something just in one part of my body.

Speaker 5:

I have to say it's one of the most powerful workshops I've ever done in my life. I'm 54 and I've done a lot of workshops in my life. Teresha rolls very beautifully, keeping everybody safe.

Speaker 2:

She's just got so much experience.

Speaker 5:

I feel more love for myself. I feel more open. I feel like my energy is just fast. What more is possible? I love that. I love that. What more is possible? I feel more playful. I just feel like I want to dance around my lounge with my cat or be a bit sillier or more creative.

Speaker 6:

It's just amazing. Compared to where I was a couple of months ago, I feel so much lighter and freer, but also connected to myself as well, and I am expressing myself more, which is wonderful. It feels so healthy to actually speak up about things that I've kept down for so long. It brings with it a sense of calm and peace as well. I feel like I float more every day as I move around, so thank you, tricia.

Speaker 4:

Being more connected to myself, more connected to living authentically both in myself and with others, more meaning. I know I'm answering my needs for connection in a different way because I don't want an authentic connection now, what we're experiencing working with you is boundary breaking, not just personally, but culturally. You share celebration or excitement?

Speaker 6:

There's something incredible about the way she works and the techniques that she gives, so that you know you're in control of everything. You have everything inside you and it's the techniques to help you draw it out in these practices, so you're in complete control of your own journey and your own healing.

Speaker 5:

It's definitely opened stuff up for me and I want to continue on this journey, being my true self. I love myself fully. It's helped me so so much. I highly recommend this course for anybody who wants to grow. Growing is amazing. Thank you, teresa. You are a bundle of love, and all the best to the beautiful people out there More wonder, more magic, more possibility.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful, but that's what's possible for you as well. What's important is that you're here and you make the decision. I'm not putting it on a back burner. My fulfillment, my relation with my body, my fulfilling sexual life it's actually so important for me right now because that's what's going to change your life experience. I can see clearly your question.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make things confusing when our boundaries are flexible. But that's why I'm talking about intimate relating, not being in a relationship, because with intimate relating, it's a constant process and things change. Right, we change from day to day. Being women, we're attuned to the moon cycle. We change and we can't say this is, and when we have the break boundaries, this is just the way it is. There are some places where it's not negotiables right, it's more about okay. There are some places where it's like it's not okay for you to call me names, that's more of that's not my negotiable. But then we have the flexible boundaries where how much boundary is more? How much I open myself to you, how much I let you step into my place, that we can check in every day, we feel differently Is our partner present with us? Is the other person present with us? But I keep on checking in. How much can I open myself? The thing is, the safer we feel inside ourselves, the more we can open ourselves to love to other people, because we don't feel like I'm going to get broken and damaged and smashed if the other person rejects me. I feel safe inside myself and I can open more and more because I trust that I'm not going to collapse. I trust myself. I feel the deep love for myself inside myself. So when the other person is doing something that hurts me, I'm actually okay within myself and that's why I'm willing to take the risk and open more. The thing is, the more we open up, the more joy we start to have, the more fulfilling relationships we start to have.

Speaker 1:

I just spent time with my best friend and I told her I started to feel like I don't feel like you love me as much now. It was quite a vulnerable thing for me to share with her, but I can trust myself, right, I can trust her. She said, oh, just because it's winter and I start to feel a bit depressed and nothing feels so right. And then we came back into connection again. Yeah, but if I feel like she does something and then I close my heart, then it feels so constricting for me and the love is not flowing. But actually taking the risk. And even if she said no, I don't love you anymore, I'd still be okay, I wouldn't collapse. So it's really important to find that safety inside and feeling.

Speaker 1:

How can I keep on opening up to more love, invite more intimacy, because I know I'm not going to collapse because of that rejection? Does that make sense? So this is the Radiant woman method five steps. I'll give you a bit of a practice and write down what is the step for you. So first, we really need to activate our potential. We need to create a new story of what's possible for us. That's why I've been showing you the videos of other women right, that you can really step.

Speaker 1:

What's possible for me, that it's not just from my past, what I've experienced, but what if more is possible for me If I open up to my deepest longings, to my deepest desires, which we did in session two, if you want to go back there, what's possible for me? It's so important to allow yourself dream, allow yourself to step into that possibility. I see how, when we're in a group of women, it's so much easier for us to open up to more possibility. When we're by ourselves, we can often constrict ourselves, we feel like, no, that's not possible. I'm either too old or it's too late or the right person is not there. The mind creates that constriction in ourselves. And checking with yourself if that happens for you Right now, what do you feel is possible for you? If you just check in, you might close your eyes, lower your gaze as it relates to your body, to your sexuality, to relationships, to intimacy, what do you feel is possible for you? And this is the voice that tells you now that's not possible for me, a voice that restricts, constrains you. That's important to notice because if you don't let yourself dream and feel what's possible, you're going to settle and you're not going to take the action that's required. If I feel it's not possible for me, I'm not even going to go for that. But if I deeply knew that amazing, soulful feeling, intimacy is possible for me, heart-melting intimacy is possible for me, I'll have more willingness, I'll have way more motivation to actually take the actions.

Speaker 1:

So quite often we crumble on the first step. I wonder if that resonates. So then the next step we need to release past traumas. We need to work with our inner critical voice and transform that inner critical voice into our support figure. I do it through a lot of practices. We can't think our way through this. We actually need to experience the shift in our body and start relating to ourselves in a different way. Also in that step, it's really important to see what's been passed down to us generations from generations. I do a process where we work on how do I let go of the past, how do I become clear and what's not mine when I stop to carry it and put that down and say that stops with me, it's not mine. I can see it's been passed down to me, but I'm not willing to let it affect me in the future.

Speaker 1:

Now I'd love to have a little practice and we're going to do the Ho'oponopono prayer. I invite you to maybe hug yourself or touch yourself gently, maybe put your hand on your heart hand on your belly hand, on your belly hand, on your urinary, whatever feels comfortable for you. I invite you to speak out loud, not in your head, but speak it out loud. Speak this prayer to yourself I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. And if you just keep on speaking that, I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. Just keep on speaking, holding yourself gently, and I invite you to do that prayer and it's beautiful to look at yourself in the mirror and say that prayer to yourself. I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. And it's just one of the ways I offer to work within a critic, where we start to meld those critical voices inside and start to meld the trauma they heard. Tell me how that was for you. I invite you to do five minutes of the practice Looking in the mirror. Nice, when you brush your teeth in the morning, you just do that practice.

Speaker 1:

Then we go to step number three. And step number three we really need to come back into the body, start drop from living in the head, coming back into the body so we can unlock the ancient wisdom of our bodies, because our bodies carry so much and connecting to the body, so our body becomes our inner GPS that I'm not trying to think through right when I'm meeting other people. It's not that I'm trying to give a list and what works, what doesn't, even though it's useful, but actually I have the deeper trust in myself Is this good for me or not and I'm willing to follow on it. Yeah, that's very important and there are a lot of practices of how do we actually connect to that inner body wisdom. And also, in this step, I offer body blueprints. There are different body blueprints, how we relate to our body, and when we see that blueprint, it's quite transformational for women when they start to see how they relate to their body and then we go into the place where my body is my home. My body is a gift. I think in session two we talked more about that blueprint, but it's so important to identify where am I at right now? Quite often it's our blind corner. We can't see it by ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So then the next step is we really need to start activating the power of our sexuality. But see how we can't activate the power of our sexuality before we clear the negative voices and judgment and trauma, before we connect our body. Only then we can go into sexuality because it happens right in the body, and we can't activate the power of our sexuality if we have this in a critical voice all the time, because that's going to shut us down, that's going to make us feel self-conscious. So it's so important to go through the steps. Can you see that? Does it make sense that if I am judging myself badly or if I have past trauma, unprocessed past sexual trauma, then I actually can't bring them beauty? I really need to see and it's not that I need to heal all of that, but I need to become clear what it is and then I can start bringing beauty, creating the power inside. Also, in that step, what I see women, if they feel like it's not safe for me to feel radiant and sexual, then they shut themselves down as well. So, again, we need to connect our body first so we can bring that safety, we can start feeling safe inside ourselves and then we can bring that radiance and sexuality. But see how they all really depend on each other. The steps I wonder if that makes sense. Beautiful, thank you, jasmine.

Speaker 1:

Yes, then the next step we really need to create our radiance map, and what I mean by that is that we need to have a practice that we do every day, five minutes, 15 minutes a day. I give lots of practice in my course, but it really depends which one works for you, which one opens up something in you. But it's so crucial to actually have a practice to sustain you, to sustain your radiance to keep on expanding, especially on the days that we don't feel good about ourselves. So important to do the practice, because that's what's going to shift your state. What's important is that you shift your state where you're living from right, where you're communicating, from where you're relating to others and to yourself, from. Practice is going to help you to shift your state. It's so important to find something that really works for you. Okay, so these are the five steps of the Sexually Empowered Radiant Woman Method. Tell me which one feels important for you and if you need some help with this.

Speaker 1:

As we all need support and you are unique, I really invite you to share your call with me and we can diagnose what's going on and design your unique map for where you need to go, how you can awaken your desire, how you can enjoy sexually connected intimacy. Maybe you need to align with what's possible, step into the possibility. Maybe you need to clear past incidences that you're still carrying. Maybe you need to learn how to connect your heart to your sexuality. I know sometimes we might feel like, oh, will this work for me? You might have doubts in yourself, maybe you have doubt in me, and then I'm not your person. So that's important for me. That's why I spend these five days with you, so you can see the way I teach, if that resonates with you. I just want to tell you a story, because when I hear people say, will this work for me, is this possible for me, I really see that people don't trust themselves. It's not about other people, but it's actually I don't trust myself. I feel like this is not possible for me.

Speaker 1:

I remember myself when my parents immigrated to New Zealand when I was 17. We came from Russia and my dad said that I should be an accountant and I thought, okay, I'll be an accountant. I couldn't speak much English. I felt quite depressed. I loved being in Russia. I missed Russia badly, missed my friends. I left my boyfriend there. It was a really painful time. So I decided to become an accountant and then I worked for Grand Thornton for four years and I started to feel like in a straight jacket. I started to feel like in a straight jacket. I started to feel so like my life was meaningless. It was comfortable, I had enough money, it was secure, but I felt so distressed because it felt like my aliveness, like I was dying, and it was heartbreaking. Yeah, it felt so heartbreaking that here I am, I should be so alive and I'm not feeling it. And then I started to hear this call. It's like you need to go, you need to go, you need to leave. So I left, I resigned and I've decided to become a therapist. Yeah, I've decided that this is that's my new path.

Speaker 1:

I remember how much doubt I had. I was like I've already done my accountancy degree. I can't study anymore. I can't speak English. Who do I think I am? I can't really help people. It's just, it's not. What can I do for other people? I can't even fix myself here.

Speaker 1:

Irrespective of the doubt I really I was keeping on showing up. I've done the right courses. I got so much support. I went to university to study. I'm so happy I did that because I really see how I went from safety into actually what's meaningful for me, what deeply fulfills me, trusting myself and sponsoring myself. Even when my dad kept on saying I go back to accountancy, this is not safe, this is not good, this is too much risk, I kept on standing up for myself. Now, like today, just in the morning, I have this beautiful couple who are going through a tough time, and just to see how much love they have for each other, how I can hold that space for them. It's really yeah, it so inspires me.

Speaker 1:

I know when I was an accountant I'd never have this meaningful relationship with people. I'd never have this meaningful relationship with people. I'd never have something where I could contribute so much. And I'm sure if we go back, if you were there with me, you would really support me. I see my friends now that support me that say no, you stay with it because this is what you're meant to do. You're so good at this.

Speaker 1:

So I really would love to support you that, if that deep desire is there, please support yourself, please sponsor yourself, find help to support you in stepping into more radiance, more confidence, in creating that beautiful relationship for yourself. Please stand up for yourself and feel if this is deeply meaningful for you, make. Make the choices and they could be tough choices. Commit your time, commit yourself to actually creating that what you want in your life, because otherwise it's not going to happen. And, as Lenny beautifully said, we all can find the time, the money to actually create that life for ourselves. It's not because things happen outside, because of men opposed, because of menopause, because we don't have time because there are not good people around. It's all up to us.

Speaker 1:

That's what I really would love to leave you with. Please email me or you can private message me if you want the session with me where we can talk more. If I'm not your person, find someone else who can support you in that, but just know that it's possible and you have to commit yourself. That's the home play for today. If you can do the Ho'oponopono practice again, please do share your takeaways and comment on at least three other women. Please don't wait for heart melting sex, but cause it to happen in your life. I've been so happy to be here with you. It's quite exciting for me to be able to speak to you, and please do email me. Keep on contacting each other, keep on commenting and I'll see you in the group with a big warm hug. Bye.